Exploring the Voice Quality of Nuclear Tunes

Sostarics, Thomas; Cole, Jennifer


St. Louis, MI


Sostarics, Thomas; Cole, Jennifer (2022). Exploring the Voice Quality of Nuclear Tunes. 27th Midcontinental Phonetics and Phonology Conference. Washington University of St. Louis.

Poster available as a high-definition PNG file. The original PDF has a lot of geometry from the faceted graphs, and as a result has a tendency to crash PDF viewers.

On the poster, there are flags with numbers. Flags on the left column of the poster () denote specific goals/questions. Match the number on these flags with those of the flags on the right side of the poster () for the observations from the data that address each question.

Design inspirations: Flags. Toothpicks. Larynx. Cat’s cradle. Overlay windows.

Posted on:
January 1, 0001
1 minute read, 111 words
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